We renamed the Financial Totals section Audit Totals, and moved the lines from the Financial Totals section from the beginning of the CDP survey into the sections that that those values check against. The revenue, expense, and balance sheet sections all start with Audit Totals.
Audit Totals should be entered directly from your audit or review. We will use these numbers to verify that your data is entered accurately by comparing them to the totals that calculate at the bottom of each financial section.
The Audit Totals section will only appear for audited or reviewed organizations. If you are an audited organization and the Financial Totals section does not appear, click on the "Survey Settings" tab in the navigation and then click "Rerun Survey Wizard". Confirm that you would like to run the profile wizard and confirm on this page that you have selected “Yes” to the “Audit for FYxx” in the Financial Information Part 1 section. To edit, click the orange pencil, make changes, and click the save button where the pencil was. Once all changes are made and the sections are saved, click "Continue to Survey" at the bottom of the page. When the profile appears again it will include the Audit Totals section.
How to find your Audit Totals on your Audit or Review:
Revenue Audit Totals: Income Statement or Statement of Activities
- Total Operating Revenue: on a line often listed as total support and revenue
- Total Non-operating Revenue: Non-operating revenue may or may not be listed separately from operating revenue and expenses on your audit. You may find non-operating revenue at the bottom of your Statement of Activities below revenue, expenses, and change in net assets. This area may or may not be labeled “Non-operating”
Expenses Audit Totals: Income Statement or Statement of Activities
- Program Expenses: Enter the total of all program expenses on this line
- Management and General Expenses: This category may be called “General” or “General and Administrative” on your audit, or may appear under the header “Supporting Services”
- Fundraising Expenses: May appear under the header “Supporting Services”.
- Non-Operating Expenses: Non-operating expenses may or may not be listed separately from operating revenue and expenses on your audit. You may find non-operating expenses at the bottom of your Statement of Activities below revenue, expenses, and change in net assets. This area may or may not be labeled “Non-operating”. Occasionally, non-operating expenses are separated from operating expenses on your audit’s Statement of Functional Expenses.
Balance sheet Audit Totals: Statement of Financial Position or Balance Sheet
- Total Assets: The amount that appears on the “Total Assets” line of your Balance Sheet or Statement of Financial Position.
- Total Liabilities and Net Assets: The amount that appears on the “Liabilities and Net Assets” line of your Balance Sheet or Statement of Financial Position. It may also be referred to as “Total Liabilities and Equity” or “Total Liabilities and Fund Balances”.
- Unrestricted Net Assets: The amount that appears on the “Net Assets Without Donor Restrictions” line of your Balance Sheet or Statement of Financial Position. It may also be referred to as “Unrestricted Net Assets,” “Total Unrestricted Equity,” or “Unrestricted Fund Balance.”
- Restricted Net Assets: The amount that appears on the “Net Assets With Donor Restrictions” line on your Balance Sheet or Statement of Financial Position. If you are working from an audit or review from 2018 or earlier, enter the sum of your Permanently Restricted and Temporarily Restricted Net Assets.