Before you begin filling out the Cultural Data Profile, you'll be asked a series of questions to help customize your survey. The answers to these questions will help eliminate questions that don't apply to your organization, creating a more tailored experience.
If you need to makes changes to how you answered these questions, the first section in the navigation bar on the left, Survey Settings, will take you to a summary page, where you may review your answers and make changes by selecting the "Rerun the Survey Wizard" button.
Be aware that if your changes remove questions from your survey, data that you have already entered will be hidden for those questions.
Step by step instructions to change survey settings
If you are already editing a survey, skip to step 5 below.
After you are signed into your account and your organization name is showing in the top right-hand corner next to your account name:
- If you do not see the fiscal year you want to work on, click on "View all your surveys" to see the full list
- From the dashboard or "View all your surveys" list, if you see the fiscal year CDP survey you want to work on and it is In-progress, click "Edit", this will take you to step 5 below
- If the CDP survey has been completed, but you need to change the settings, click the Actions drop-down and select "Revise"
- In the window that appears: check the box to acknowledge the notice and click "Revise"
- Once the survey opens, on the grey tabs stacked on the left, click Survey Settings at the top
- On the next page: click the button at the top right: "Rerun survey wizard"
- In the window that appears: check the box to acknowledge the notice and click "Rerun Wizard"
- The Survey Settings page will open for edits
- Click the orange pencils to make changes, and save in that same spot before moving on
- Once all sections are saved, on the bottom right, click "Continue to Survey"
- Click "Continue" on the window that appears
- This will take you to your survey still in edit
- Make any changes to the data in the CDP, if needed
- To complete the survey, click "Check and Complete" at the top right-hand corner
- The error check will run and after any errors are addressed, click "Complete Survey" on the window that appears