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How do I fill out the Cultural Data Profile as a fiscal sponsor?

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If your organization functions as a fiscal sponsor for other organizations or entities, there are several places in the survey (Cultural Data Profile) where you will need to record your related revenue and expenses.  

In Earned Revenue, record any amount you charged the sponsored organization for providing them with financial management, grant processing, or any other administrative services on the Earned Program Revenue Not Included Above line. 
In Contributed Revenue, enter any grants or contributions you received on behalf of the fiscally sponsored organization (i.e. pass-through funds) in the appropriate contributed revenue line. For example, if it was a county grant, it would go on the County Government Contributions line. 
In Non-Personnel Expenses, pass-through funds distributed to the fiscally sponsored organization(s) should be entered in the Non-Personnel Expenses Not Included Above line.  
Finally, in the Program Activity section, on the Fiscally Sponsored Projects line, fill out the Count of projects sponsored and enter the total value of all sponsorship on the Monetary Value line. 



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