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What do I do once I finish the Data Profile?

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When you have finished entering your organization’s data, and addressed any errors that are found in the error check, you can mark your Cultural Data Profile (CDP) as complete. This step sends your information to DataArts, but it does not make your data available to grantmakers.

Once your CDP is marked complete, you will be able to generate a variety of reports. 
  • Funder Reports pull together the specific information each grantmaker is looking for from within the CDP. The Funder Report is what you will submit to your grantmaker as part of your grant application. 
  • Analytic Reports can help you learn about your organization’s trends, and benchmark your organization against groups of other organizations.
If you need to make changes to your CDP after you submit it, click on the "Surveys" link underneath the top management bar, or the "View all your surveys" link below the Your Surveys section. From the full list of surveys, click on "Actions" next to the survey you would like to change and select "Revise." 

For more information about submitting your Data Profile, please see:
How do I run or produce a Funder Report 
What is the error check? What is the difference between an error and a warning?



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