KIPIs, or Key Intangible Performance Indicators, are the difficult to define qualities that set a high performing organization apart from others. Intangible aspects like good decision-making, artistic and managerial expertise, reputation and relationships, intellectual capital, and the quality of the work force all influence an organization’s performance. The KIPI Dashboard estimates how much these intangibles play a role in setting an organization apart from others.
You can access the KIPI Dashboard through your SMU DataArts nonprofit account, by clicking the “Performance Indicators” link from the Management Center.

Organizations with annual budgets over $50,000 that have completed the long form of the Cultural Data Profile, and have an NTEE code in the included A categories that we use, (A=Arts & Culture) will have a KIPI Dashboard. The included NTEE codes are: A01, A02, A03, A05, A11, A12, A19, A20, A23, A24, A25, A26, A27, A40, A50, A51, A52, A54, A56, A57, A60, A61, A62, A63, A65, A68, A69, A6A, A6B, A6C, A6E, A70, A80, A82, A84, A90 A99
NTEE codes are selected by users in the survey settings and can be reviewed by clicking "Review Survey Settings" from the "Actions" drop-down menu to the right of each survey entry.

To update the NTEE codes if they do not correctly represent your organization, please reach out to the Support Center by email ( with the sector you think is a better representation of your organization. FYI: A DataArts administrator may have to temporarily add themselves as a user under your organization to update the KIPI sector.
The KIPI Dashboard is updated within 5 minutes of completing a CDP survey, so you may notice a slight lag time between when you complete your CDP survey and when your data is reflected in your KIPI scores, but only by a couple minutes.
If there are no KIPI scores available for you organization, this may be because:
- You do not have any completed CDP surveys.
- You completed your CDP survey within the last few minutes. (scores may take up to 5 minutes to appear).
- Your organization's annual expenses are less than $50,000 and you have completed the form for orgs with less than $50k in expenses
- Your NTEE code is not in the A category (A = Arts & Culture Organizations), or it is not an A category for which we generate KIPIs (A30-A34 are excluded)
You can find more resources here:
How to Use the KIPI Dashboard
What is a KIPI?
For any questions about your KIPI Dashboard, please contact the Support Center at or 877-707-3282.